Source code for falcon_auth.middleware

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import falcon

from falcon_auth.backends import AuthBackend

[docs]class FalconAuthMiddleware(object): """ Creates a falcon auth middleware that uses given authentication backend, and some optinal configuration to authenticate requests. After initializing the authentication backend globally you can override the backend as well as other configuration for a particular resource by setting the `auth` attribute on it to an instance of this class. The authentication backend must return an authenticated user which is then set as `request.context.user` to be used further down by resources othewise an `falcon.HTTPUnauthorized` exception is raised. Args: backend(:class:`falcon_auth.backends.AuthBackend`, required): Specifies the auth backend to be used to authenticate requests exempt_routes(list, optional): A list of paths to be excluded while performing authentication. Default is ``None`` exempt_methods(list, optional): A list of paths to be excluded while performing authentication. Default is ``['OPTIONS']`` """ def __init__(self, backend, exempt_routes=None, exempt_methods=None): self.backend = backend if not isinstance(backend, AuthBackend): raise ValueError( 'Invalid authentication backend {0}. ' 'Must inherit `falcon.auth.backends.AuthBackend`'.format(backend) ) self.exempt_routes = exempt_routes or [] self.exempt_methods = exempt_methods or ['OPTIONS'] def _get_auth_settings(self, req, resource): auth_settings = getattr(resource, 'auth', {}) auth_settings['exempt_routes'] = self.exempt_routes if auth_settings.get('auth_disabled'): auth_settings['exempt_routes'].append(req.path) for key in ('exempt_methods', 'backend'): auth_settings[key] = auth_settings.get(key) or getattr(self, key) return auth_settings def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, *args, **kwargs): auth_setting = self._get_auth_settings(req, resource) if (req.path in auth_setting['exempt_routes'] or req.method in auth_setting['exempt_methods']): return backend = auth_setting['backend'] req.context['user'] = backend.authenticate(req, resp, resource, **kwargs)