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A falcon middleware + authentication backends that adds authentication layer to you app/api service.


Install the extension with pip, or easy_install.

$ pip install -U falcon-auth


This package exposes a falcon middleware which takes an authentication backend as an input and use it to authenticate requests. You can specify some routes and methods which are exempted from authentication. Once the middleware authenticates the request using the specified authentication backend, it add the authenticated user to the request context

import falcon
from falcon_auth import FalconAuthMiddleware, BasicAuthBackend

user_loader = lambda username, password: { 'username': username }
auth_backend = BasicAuthBackend(user_loader)
auth_middleware = FalconAuthMiddleware(auth_backend,
                    exempt_routes=['/exempt'], exempt_methods=['HEAD'])
api = falcon.API(middleware=[auth_middleware])

class ApiResource:

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        user = req.context['user']
        resp.body = "User Found: {}".format(user['username'])

Override Authentication for a specific resource

Its possible to customize the exempt routes, exempt methods and authentication backend on a per resource basis as well

import falcon
from falcon_auth import FalconAuthMiddleware, BasicAuthBackend, TokenAuthBackend

# a loader function to fetch user from username, password
user_loader = lambda username, password: { 'username': username }

# basic auth backend
basic_auth = BasicAuthBackend(user_loader)

# Auth Middleware that uses basic_auth for authentication
auth_middleware = FalconAuthMiddleware(basic_auth)
api = falcon.API(middleware=[auth_middleware])

class ApiResource:

    auth = {
        'backend': TokenAuthBackend(user_loader=lambda token: { 'id': 5 }),
        'exempt_methods': ['GET']

    # token auth backend

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "This resource uses token authentication"

    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "This resource doesn't need authentication"

api.add_route("/api", ApiResource())

Disable Authentication for a specific resource

class ApiResource:
    auth = {
        'auth_disabled': True

Accessing Authenticated User

Once the middleware authenticates the request using the specified authentication backend, it add the authenticated user to the request context

class ApiResource:

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        user = req.context['user']
        resp.body = "User Found: {}".format(user['username'])

Authentication Backends

  • Basic Authentication

Implements HTTP Basic Authentication wherein the HTTP Authorization header contains the user credentials(username and password) encoded using base64 and a prefix (typically Basic)

  • Token Authentication

Implements a Simple Token Based Authentication Scheme where HTTP Authorization header contains a prefix (typically Token) followed by an API Token

  • JWT Authentication

Token based authentication using the JSON Web Token standard

  • Dummy Authentication

Backend which does not perform any authentication checks

  • Multi Backend Authentication

A Backend which comprises of multiple backends and requires any of them to authenticate the request successfully


This library comes with a good set of tests which are included in tests/. To run install pytest and simply invoke py.test or python setup.py test to exercise the tests. You can check the test coverage by running py.test --cov falcon_auth


class falcon_auth.FalconAuthMiddleware(backend, exempt_routes=None, exempt_methods=None)[source]

Creates a falcon auth middleware that uses given authentication backend, and some optinal configuration to authenticate requests. After initializing the authentication backend globally you can override the backend as well as other configuration for a particular resource by setting the auth attribute on it to an instance of this class.

The authentication backend must return an authenticated user which is then set as request.context.user to be used further down by resources othewise an falcon.HTTPUnauthorized exception is raised.

backend(falcon_auth.backends.AuthBackend, required): Specifies the auth
backend to be used to authenticate requests
exempt_routes(list, optional): A list of paths to be excluded while performing
authentication. Default is None
exempt_methods(list, optional): A list of paths to be excluded while performing
authentication. Default is ['OPTIONS']
class falcon_auth.BasicAuthBackend(user_loader, auth_header_prefix='Basic')[source]

Implements HTTP Basic Authentication Clients should authenticate by passing the base64 encoded credentials username:password in the Authorization HTTP header, prepended with the string specified in the setting auth_header_prefix. For example:

Authorization: BASIC ZGZkZmY6ZGZkZ2RkZg==
user_loader(function, required): A callback function that is called with the user
credentials (username and password) extracted from the Authorization header. Returns an authenticated user if user exists matching the credentials or return None to indicate if no user found or credentials mismatch.
auth_header_prefix(string, optional): A prefix that is used with the
bases64 encoded credentials in the Authorization header. Default is basic
authenticate(req, resp, resource)[source]

Extract basic auth token from request authorization header, deocode the token, verifies the username/password and return either a user object if successful else raise an falcon.HTTPUnauthoried exception


Extracts username, password from the user_payload and encode the credentials username:password in base64 form

class falcon_auth.TokenAuthBackend(user_loader, auth_header_prefix='Token')[source]
Implements Simple Token Based Authentication. Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the “Authorization”

HTTP header, prepended with the string “Token “. For example:

Authorization: Token 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a
user_loader(function, required): A callback function that is called
with the token extracted from the Authorization header. Returns an authenticated user if user exists matching the credentials or return None to indicate if no user found or credentials mismatch.
auth_header_prefix(string, optional): A prefix that is used with the
token in the Authorization header. Default is basic
authenticate(req, resp, resource)[source]

Extract basic auth token from request authorization header, deocode the token, verifies the username/password and return either a user object if successful else raise an falcon.HTTPUnauthoried exception


Extracts token from the user_payload

class falcon_auth.JWTAuthBackend(user_loader, secret_key, algorithm='HS256', auth_header_prefix='jwt', leeway=0, expiration_delta=86400, audience=None, issuer=None, verify_claims=None, required_claims=None)[source]

Token based authentication using the JSON Web Token standard Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the Authorization HTTP header, prepended with the string specified in the setting auth_header_prefix. For example:

Authorization: JWT eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIj
user_loader(function, required): A callback function that is called with the
decoded jwt payload extracted from the Authorization header. Returns an authenticated user if user exists matching the credentials or return None to indicate if no user found or credentials mismatch.
secrey_key(string, required): A secure key that was used to encode and
create the jwt token from a dictionary payload
algorithm(string, optional): Specifies the algorithm that was used
to for cryptographic signing. Default is HS256 which stands for HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm. Other supported algorithms can be found here
auth_header_prefix(string, optional): A prefix that is used with the
bases64 encoded credentials in the Authorization header. Default is jwt
leeway(int, optional): Specifies the timedelta in seconds that is allowed
as leeway while validating expiration time / nbf(not before) claim /iat (issued at) claim which is in past but not very far. For example, if you have a JWT payload with an expiration time set to 30 seconds after creation but you know that sometimes you will process it after 30 seconds, you can set a leeway of 10 seconds in order to have some margin. Default is 0 seconds
expiration_delta(int, optional): Specifies the timedelta in seconds that
will be added to current time to set the expiration for the token. Default is 1 day(24 * 60 * 60 seconds)
audience(string, optional): Specifies the string that will be specified
as value of aud field in the jwt payload. It will also be checked agains the aud field while decoding.
issuer(string, optional): Specifies the string that will be specified
as value of iss field in the jwt payload. It will also be checked agains the iss field while decoding.
authenticate(req, resp, resource)[source]

Extract auth token from request authorization header, deocode jwt token, verify configured claims and return either a user object if successful else raise an falcon.HTTPUnauthoried exception


Create a JWT authentication token from user_payload

user_payload(dict, required): A dict containing required information
to create authentication token
class falcon_auth.NoneAuthBackend(user_loader)[source]

Dummy authentication backend.

This backend does not perform any authentication check. It can be used with the MultiAuthBackend in order to provide a fallback for an unauthenticated user.

user_loader(function, required): A callback function that is called
without any arguments and returns an unauthenticated user.
authenticate(req, resp, resource)[source]

Authenticate the request and return the authenticated user. Must return None if authentication fails, or raise an exception

class falcon_auth.MultiAuthBackend(*backends)[source]

A backend which takes two or more AuthBackend as inputs and successfully authenticates if either of them succeeds else raises falcon.HTTPUnauthoried exception

backends(AuthBackend, required): A list of AuthBackend to be used in
order to authenticate the user.
authenticate(req, resp, resource)[source]

Authenticate the request and return the authenticated user. Must return None if authentication fails, or raise an exception


Returns a authentication token created using the provided user details

user_payload(dict, required): A dict containing required information
to create authentication token